St Patrick’s Day is celebrated all across the world, and IEST is no exception! Students from the English conversational courses of all 6 levels joined at the school’s auditorium to commemorate this day. Saint Patrick’s Day was originally a religious feast in which the Catholics celebrated the missionary actions and good deeds of the bishop of Ireland. Nowadays, it is a big cultural international celebration in which people wear something green or representative on Ireland’s culture and traditions. This day is celebrated with parades, singing, dancing and food. In Ireland, it is even taken as a bank holiday. For this year’s contest, each group of the conversational courses had to choose a popular song and then change the lyrics of it using words related to Saint Patrick’s Day. Students showed their creativity and talent writing beautiful lyrics and even adding choreography into their performances. The winner of this contest was the group of level 6, conducted by teacher Jose ...
Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Tamaulipas